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Effective planning for formative and summative assessment is essential to ensure the implementation of assessment practices in the classroom are fit for purpose, inclusive, timely, and relevant in order to support learning.


I place strong importance on formative assessment as I believe it nurtures students to take a more active role in their own learning and ensures they continue to improve and develop their confidence as learners. When formative assessment is conducted through a variety of means in the classroom, I believe its benefits are exemplified and highly advantageous for the learning journey of the student. I plan for a wide range of formative assessment strategies across each stage of my units of learning for the classroom to enhance student performance, empower students to take ownership of their learning and to actively inform the implementation of summative assessment


aim to involve the student in summative assessment and have a strong interest in co-creating success criteria with students to develop a shared understanding of what success looks like. When students are invited to partake in designing success criteria,  the assessment rubric becomes more accessible to the student and provides opportunities for impactful and meaningful learning to occur. I use a variety of evidence, such as realised work, sketchbook work, annotations, discussions, and critiques to measure how well the student is able to synthesise and connect the elements of learning from the instructional period to develop a holistic understanding and provide rich, summative feedback. 


My approaches to assessment are demonstrated in my Assessment Design Plan, which outlines my approach to assessment with a 1st Year group within a ten-week unit of learning; integrating formative assessment, summative assessment, self-assessment and the continual assessment of the Visual Art Sketchpad, which remained a fundamental aspect of assessment practices across all phases of the unit. 


The following video outlines the process in which I designed, implemented, and reflected on assessment practices in Junior Cycle Visual Art. 

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